Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On another thought

So I have a portfolio preview coming up and I FINALLY finished, which means I should be done with art school in December. I am dreading the JOB hunt. Of course I am going to try to do freelance on the side until I find something full time. Why is job hunting so difficult? Why is unemployment so high? Why if you have two college degrees can you not find a decent paying job?"Its time to start putting the feelers out" is an expression I have learned to hate, along with " we will get back to you"and " we have decided to go another route." I will relocate where ever a job leads me, I look at moving as a new adventure.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just Saying....

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am a graphic designer and an inspiring web designer. Since I am designing my first website which happens to be my online portfolio I thought I might as well create a blog to go along with it! I have never been much on blogs, twitter or facebook because I hate the idea of people knowing my every thought or where I am at all times but I guess I can share a couple of things about myself through this blog...the plus for me is that most of you will be reading this because you are viewing my website... Ahhhh yes, now I suckered you into viewing my work! Well hopefully the website will turn out. Did I say I am a graphic design student? Or that I have a bachelors in marketing from the University of Mississippi? Hotty Toddy!!!!! Oh yeah and I currently live in Atlanta. I think that is enough about me for now.. I can't give away to much at first.